Stories, Essays etc
A Bit of History
with comments by O'olish Amanch
of the Whereabouts of Gnomes,
Elves, Faeries, Goblins, etc., Past and Present
A Witches Alter
Being Thrifty
The Pentacle
Military Handbook on Wicca
13 Principle's of Wiccan Beliefs
The Laws from Lady Sheba
with comments by O'olish Amanch
Answering Witchy Questions
An Historical Overview
of the Whereabouts of Gnomes,
Elves, Faeries, Goblins, etc., Past and Present
- Who are the Flinthills Pagans?
- FHPA Non-Prof Info
- FHPA Calendar
- You will need to be logged into Yahoo groups in order to see our calendar.
- Photos
- FHPA Events
- Poetry
- FHPA Book of Shadows
- FHPA Fun Stuff