One scary bridge...
And of course, ShadowDragon HAD to jump and make it swing...
And when you look under the roped bridge, it would make for a painful landing.
But the water really was clear and pretty (albeit shallow)
This green beetle was seen moving this, um, thing UP the steep hill.
Beautiful Prairie lands across the Konza.
More Beautiful Prairie lands across the Konza.
More Beautiful Prairie
lands across the Konza.
Just look at that gorgeous blue sky!!
You can see a bit of
the Kansas River in the background...
Interesting Trail....
Kel, Lisa, Em and Trey...
ShadowDragon had fallen behind to flirt with some cute KSU student,
and of course, Kangra
was taking the pix.. ;)
A very old and beautiful tree.
Hey Kangra, we would be honored if you would share your story
about this tree!! :)
Can you see the turkey!?!? :) Hmm.. He's hiding here
Which way do we go George, which way do we go!?!? :)
Lisa and Em take a
break. (Hey, it got HOT that afternoon)
Wave at Kangra with the nice camera!!! :)
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